Career Highlights.
Throughout my career in the US and the UK I have been a part of some memorable campaigns. Here are a few of them.
Brand It.
Gibbs Hybrid Corporate Rebrand
To track the company's Euro and US expansion I worked with the CEO to refresh the brand with a more aggressive stance.
The resulting line "Empowering the Intelligent Enterprise" filtered into online and offline content, show stands, RFPs, etc.
We also produced their first corporate brochure, an opportunity to show true product integration and geographic reach while leveraging the new brand. (download)
Open it.
The Santa Fe Railyard (New Mexico)
Santa Fe has a railway running right through it - an industrial wasteland. This valuable real estate had been dormant for years, but finally it was ready for its reveal. I put together a production team in partnership with the Trust for Public Land, who had funded a big part of the Railyard development.
We teased the location for a month or so, and had exclusive media previews. By intro day there were no surprises. Locals flocked to the location and spread out all around it to see what they’d been reading about.
Intro It.
Apple PowerBook Europe intro
This was a much-leaked product so we had to surprise. I decided to go the influencer route and worked with the late Douglas Adams, author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. We provided him with a prototype.
At the event he called the PowerBook his Digital Guide. His presentation completely won over the sceptical media and set the tone for the rollout.
Reveal it.
Spaceport America (New Mexico)
At the State's Economic Development Department, we always worried about raising the bar for economic attraction, but the best graduates took their degrees elsewhere. The idea of a Spaceport took root, spurred on by a potential partnership with UK’s Virgin Group.
I lead the development of the campaign to introduce the idea to legislators (who would have to vote significant dollars), citizens (who’d fund an additional sales tax) and a sceptical media. The campaign was successful, the Governor got on board and we launched the Spaceport, the US’ first commercial space facility
Launch It.
PayPal (Silicon Valley)
I launched PayPal as a start-up. It was the power of a strong idea, backed of course by a great product. The company was called Confinity then; its product was an application on the Palm Pilot that beamed cash between devices.
We had an investor beam $3m to our CEO, Peter Thiel’s Pilot. Achieved coverage in WIRED, Financial Times, Merc and elsewhere.